Hi, I’m Heidi Winkler.  Many of you know me
but for those who don’t, please allow us a few
moments to get acquainted.  I feel very
vulnerable and nervous to share my journey
with you as I tend to be a little conservative
with personal details. That would reflect the
German part of me.

But my mission is to share freely what I will
be learning, how I progress and probably fail
a bit along the way to becoming completely
independent and successful in the online
marketing arena. As I am a photographer, video
creator, tech addict and Sales expert, I am hoping to
incorporate all those things I am passionate
about and see how they can be leveraged into
making both your life and mine better. It’ll
be interesting to see see what directions
these odd combinations of interests take me,
but I can’t wait to be surprised.

So when I say “odd combinations of interests
let me elaborate by saying these include:
Photography of course, but also Physics – so
obviously sci-fi, clothes and jewelry – ok –
so I am a closet fashionista – get over it!
All tech gadgets are like candy to me so I’m
also addicted to Kickstarter and have lost
count of all the stuff I have jumped to be the
first to own. I love books and computers and
music (but can’t remember names of songs or
even bands to save my life). I love cooking,
and farmer’s markets are my Saturday passion.
I even own the latest and greatest Suvie oven.
I am very much a glass half full gal and I
know that in my life,  I can’t think of a
single adversity, failure or disaster that
hasn’t turned out to be the best thing for me
within a pretty short period of time, so I
roll with that theme.

Growing up as an army brat and living in
several states and countries taught me the
value of diversity, creativity, to never see a
setback as anything other than an opportunity
to further hone my skill set, and to quickly
and successfully adjust to new environments.

Before beginning a career spanning three
decades in sales, management, public relations
and event planning, I studied economics and
marketing with great passion at TCU in Ft.
Worth, Texas.  After graduating with a Masters
in Economics and a major in International
Affairs, I accepted leadership roles in both
for and not for profit organizations in
addition to entrepreneurial pursuits in
personal areas of interest, i.e. Heidi Winkler

What I have learned during three decades of
business and artistic experience, I hope to
incorporate in the ventures and products I
create in the future.

Our business world and the environments in
which we work are continually changing,
sometimes faster than we would like, but the
bottom line from my perspective is that by
adapting to change and constantly improving
our respective skills will take us where we
want to go, no matter what creative or
business arena we choose for ourselves.

After many twists and turns I have found
tremendous value and guidance from John
Thornhill who is making this path so much
easier than the trial and error method I was
on. He literally hand-holds me through every
process necessary to get things done everyday
and accomplish a seemingly impossible
timetable with ease – even in areas I am
a complete novice.  I highly recommend you
check it out if the freedom to do your own thing
from home, and eventually finding more time
for your family and your personal loves, is
something you are seeking. Thank you for this
opportunity to share what I’ve learned and
will be learning as you move forward on YOUR
path to success.

wishing you the best, Heidi Winkler

Note: Those adversities I referred to include
Stage 3 Colon Cancer, 2 heart attacks and 7
stents, as well as the loss of part of my
stomach, one and 1/2 fingers, one company, one
layoff due to bankruptcy of a company, one
layoff due to downsizing, one layoff due to
Covid-19, and two terrible long term
boyfriends. The great part is that I have some
seriously funny stories to tell about each. So
check out my blog if you want to read more
about those as well as the progress I make in
the present.

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